Providing refuge to Black, Asian minoritised women
In line with the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and through LBWP provides emergency, safe accommodation for Black, Asian and minoritised women and children who have experienced domestic violence and abuse.
Commencing 2022, we created a new refuge model and additional integrated staffing team. This model is holistic, trauma-informed and wraps around the service user, to address intersectional needs. This is reflected below.

Women and children who access our refuges are allocated an experienced, specialist case worker who is on site to provide tailored, individualised advice, information and support.
The case workers carry out essential safety planning and risk assessments, provide advice on housing, benefits, health, employment and education services and liaise with agencies and partners to provide holistic services.
Following the baseline assessment undertaken by the specialist caseworker, women can access other specialist services and support through the roles above. All of these roles have additional languages that meets the linguistic needs of the service users to promote equality and inclusion.
We work under an empowerment-based framework supporting women and children to build their capacity, coping skills, self-esteem, confidence, and independence to live free from violence and harm. We promote women, girls and children’s participation and co-production.
We have seven refuges:
Six in London Borough of Newham and One in Haringey, London
To ensure the safety of all women, we do not accept referrals to the service from within the boroughs, but can offer support to women who live in Newham and Haringey by securing refuge space in other boroughs across London.
We accept referrals for women with insecure immigration status and No Recourse to Public Funds.
You can contact us directly or make a referral:
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